How you can help

The following tips will help us have a cleaner, healthier Earth:

Get your friends and family involved and tell them about deforestation and pollution.

Learn more about deforestation!

Plant a tree!

Recycle paper, aluminum, plastic, etc.

Reduce the amount of trash by re-using old things, and buying things that have less packaging.

Don't be a litter-bug! Dispose of your trash properly! Animals can get trapped in small containers, and cut by broken glass and other litter, so be sure to throw your trash in it's proper place.

Don't be wasteful! Conserve gas, energy, water, paper, etc.

Only take 15 minute showers, and turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth.

Turn off computers, TV's, lights, and other electronics when you aren't using them.

Don't disturb wildlife. Leave it alone and let it live peacefully.